What's wrong with giving suck? (Gospels - YLT)

Be strong and courageous. Fear is not of God. YLT 2Tim 1:7: "7 for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;" Let us remain green and not dry. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. (YLT Mat 11:30) YLT Luk 11:28: And he said, `Yea, rather, happy those hearing the word of God, and keeping [it]!` This has been said repeatedly, `And wo to those with child, and to those giving suck, in those days;' (YLT Mat 24:19, Mar 13:17, Luk 21:22) Be obedient, those hearing the word of God and keeping it are blessed. Indeed it is a concern; All are given the Word and the Holy Spirit, but not all receive the Word and the Holy Spirit. Not received because of disbelief, disbelief they are worthy. Jesus has came to give His Life for us, what's more worthy than God's only begotten Son? Yet He gave His Life for you and me. Many has the personal scroll Jesus came to give us,...