Can We Have All The Nine Gifts Of The Holy Spirit?

Can we have all the Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

How God decide what gifts to be given to us?

What was written in the Bible?

I was shocked how I misunderstood the gifts.

This was my old note written in beginning of 2016 to help me remember the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit:

My Old Note:
1. Wisdom
2. Knowledge
3. Faith
4. Gift of Healing
5. Miracle
6. Prophecy
7. Discerning the spirits
8. kind of tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues

Let's see what is written in the Bible.

1Cor 12:8-11:
8 for to one through the Spirit hath been given a word of wisdom, and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit;
9 and to another faith in the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healings in the same Spirit;
10 and to another in-workings of mighty deeds; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits; and to another [divers] kinds of tongues; and to another interpretation of tongues:
11 and all these doth work the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each severally as he intendeth.

The 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit:

According to same Spirit :-
1. Word of Wisdom (Word)
2. Word of Knowledge to another (Word)

📌 It's a Word of Wisdom we speak which is a Word of Knowledge to another, the receiver.  The gift of speaking a Word of Wisdom that the other party receives the gift a Word of Knowledge.

Note, these are mentioned in the same verse, it is a bundle, a package according to same Spirit for same objective.

In the same Spirit:-
3. Faith in the same Spirit (same Spirit)
4. Gifts of Healings (Gifts, Healings)

📌 It is to another.  To another faith in the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings in the same Spirit;  Both parties, the proclaimer and the receiver having faith in the gifts of healings in the same Spirit.

These are in the same verse, also work in a bundle.

To another:-
5. In-Working of mighty deeds (In-Working )
6. Prophecy
7. Discernings of spirits (the difference of discernings 'of' spirits and discernings 'the' spirits, the former know where it come from, the root)
8. (Divers) kinds of tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues

📌 It is to another.  The rest of the gifts in 1Cor 12:10 doth work the one and the same Spirit.  Unlike the earlier gifts in 1Cor 12:8-9, these gifts are divided to each severally as the Holy Spirit intend.

1Cor 12:10-11
10 and to another in-workings of mighty deeds; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits; and to another [divers] kinds of tongues; and to another interpretation of tongues:
11 and all these doth work the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each severally as he intendeth.

📌 All gifts are to manifest the Spirit for profit - The Salvation.

1Cor 12:7: "7 And to each hath been given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit;"

📌 All gifts of the Holy Spirit is To Another, none for self but benefit all. 

📌 We need each other.  The body of Christ has to work together (1Cor 12:12-28);
      No one has all the gifts, that we will live as ONE.

What a perfect plan from the Father.  Hallelujah!!!

Let's boldly ask earnestly the better gifts Amen!

1Cor 12:31: "31 and desire earnestly the better gifts; and yet a far excelling way do I shew to you:"

Abba Father,
I Thank You even when I'm faithless, You never let go of my hand.  Thank You for always answer my questions and cause me to know You more and more each day.
I ask that You continue to give me the simplicity of words to share and deliver the messages in Your Word even the heavy topics.  Give me the gifts of Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge in 1Cor 12:8 in Jesus Name Amen!

John 3:16: for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during."

It costs the Father, His only Begotten Son, to send you this invitation to be His beloved child, that you be part of His Family, call Him 'Father'.

If you accept this Invitation from God the Father to receive this New Life given by His Son - Jesus, 

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