The Five Phases in Our Walk with God?


I was thinking of not to touch on this topic; But if I don't share about this, when I touches the four gospels in my posts I will need to share about the relation of the gospels and that will make the sharing too heavy to digest.

The fundamental understanding has to establish first.

But how to put the revelations over the years into a single post?  Well, our God is a Mighty God, since the direction is in a single post then there is a way. Never say no when He said yes 😅

Diagram, share with diagram.

The diagram in white background my 1st drawn on 11Dec18. This morning, 14Dec18, the other two.  😁 when we submit to Him, it's easy, His yoke is light.

The first four phases can be gathered from the 1st and last chapters of each gospel, may be a chapter more before and after for better understanding.

This four gospels has to put together to have the complete teaching.  It is one piece, not four.  Just like we can have different stages in life but only one life.

Salvation has to start from self first, each focus on own transformation for the Spirit is in us, other brothers and sisters the Spirit in them will do the teaching.  Who can do a better teaching than the Spirit? Our part, for changes to take place submit in prayer.

The four gospels are four parts of Jesus outer garments. How divided garments benefit?

Luk 23:34: "34 And Jesus said, `Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do;` and parting his garments they cast a lot."

The Salvation plan, The Salvation. We learn from Jesus is a Gift first and go deeper into the plan, till date I'm still learning. The work of John the Baptist, baptized with water.  (Hearing)

Testify God's Work. Share not only what written in the Bible, but our own.  People need to know God still working on our salvation, still answering prayers, still fellowship with us. People need to hear. Join a cell group, a care group. This is where I asked, why others has so many testimonies and I don't, and I started to grow. The work of John the Baptist, baptized with water.  (Hearing)

Personal encounter with God. Fellowship with God like friend, not distanced.  This is a milestone where we are baptized with the Spirit when we has the revelation, Jehovah is Salvation (there are cases where a person are born with the Spirit). He is not just a gracious giver but Jehovah is Salvation.  (Encounter and Fellowship with God)

Intimate relationship with God.  Father and son relationship with God the Father.  Know the Father's heart.  Transformed to be more and more like Christ.  When we regard Him as Father, we be transformed to be more and more like Him, for the son like the father.

We are strengthen, transform by the teaching of these four gospel, know the Love of God.

To have a healthy body, each member of the body must be strong and in good shape.  With each member know the heart of Jesus, the heart of the Father, we are the seamless Jesus inner garment from the top woven throughout.

The four gospels focus on self transformation, the rest of the chapters in New Testament focus on the Church.

Having this understanding will help to understanding the differences mentioned in the Bible especially the New Testament.

The differences in the books of Moses will be shared in later posts.

Abba Father,

I Thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to open to the understanding of Your Word.  Thank You for giving me the simplicity to share the wonderful Salvation of Yours.  May You continue to give us the Wisdom, the knowledge and understanding to know deeper of Your Salvation in Jesus Name Amen!

John 3:16: for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during."

It costs the Father, His only Begotten Son, to send you this invitation to be His beloved child, that you be part of His Family, call Him 'Father'.

If you accept this Invitation from God the Father to receive this New Life given by His Son - Jesus, 

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