Why God dropped this verse in 2Chr 1?

YLT 1Kin 3:10: "10 And the thing is good in the eyes of the Lord, that Solomon hath asked this thing,"

Why God dropped this verse in 2 Chr 1?

What did the Lord see about Solomon that He dropped this verse in 2Chr 1?

Let's see what had happened in 1Kings 3:3-15 and 2Chr 1:7-12

The Bible recorded a change in Solomon, his heart towards God after he has 'strengthen himself' over his kingdom.

YLT 2Chr 1:1: "1 And strengthen himself doth Solomon son of David over his kingdom, and Jehovah his God [is] with him, and maketh him exceedingly great."

In 1Kin 3, Solomon uses five verses to answer to God same question,

`Ask -- what do I give to thee?`

But, only three verses in 2Chr 1. 

The words he used in 2Chr 1 sounds rude and demanding.

He no longer call himself God's servant and call God his God.

He too no longer recount how his father David walked before God, in truth and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with God.

He no longer see himself a servant of God. 

He too not grateful to God's kindness extended to him as [at] the time he called out to God. (1Kin 3:6)

Solomon no longer consider himself a little child that do not know to go out and to come in (1Kin 3:7).  This should be a good thing isn't it?  We all need to grow up.

But the issue is, he believes he knows it all, he no longer subject to teaching, to obey God. He strengthen himself, like the 1st man in Gen 2 mentioned in earlier blog, it's time to leave his God (no more calling my God, but God)

He has forgotten how his is able to strengthen himself; 

Jehovah his God [is] with him, and maketh him exceedingly great.  Because he is son of Beloved (David), he is called peace (Solomon). (2Chr 1:1)

Solomon also forgotten, he is chosen by God as God's servant to serve a multitude.  (1Kin 3:8)

God never called Solomon a judge to judge His people. He was corrected once in (1Kin 3), but Solomon didn't repent. He wanted to follow his heart, his way, not God's.

Why God still grant Solomon wisdom and knowledge?

Why the father in the story of prodigal son (Luk 15:11-32) without a word give what the prodigal son request?

That's the Father's heart. God's way.

*Hmm.. that's the reason why the story of prodigal son only mentioned in the book of Luke. 

Sadly, Solomon did not repent like the prodigal son did.

Yes, he is the wealthiest, but he did not have the most valued as mentioned in the Bible.

YLT 1Kin 3:14: "14 and if thou dost walk in My ways to keep My statutes, and My commands, as David thy father walked, then I have prolonged thy days.`"

The gifts of understanding heart, wisdom and knowledge did not prolonged his days.

What's prolonged days? What so good about it?
😁 Check it out in your personal time with God ya.

By the way, when I wrote this blog, it brought me to a picture how we engage with our parents when we still a child and when we grown up.  Do we appreciate our parents as we do as a child? Do we spend time more on fellowship or busy with things less value to us?

There's a few pointers given in the Bible that we can apply to guard our heart, our mind, our soul against the Self righteousness.

◆ My God, Thy servant, Abba Father (watch how we address God and our self), I am a servant in the house of my Father

◆ recount how Jesus the Beloved walked before God, in truth and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with God.  Read the Word, the Bible.

◆ give thanks when we receive and when we call out to God, in all circumstances give thanks to God.  Testify God's love, kindness, goodness.  Give thanks point us back to God, our source, our provider.

◆ behold that strengthening position - a little child that do not know to go out and to come in.  Only God Jehovah knows the way.  Also spend more time fellowship with God like a child.

◆ remember our calling, set that calling before us, somewhere that can remind us from time to time.

There's other message on 1Kin 3 and 2Chr 1, will share in next blog.

Abba Father,

I Thank You for the word.  You are our source, our provider.  I ask that I stay teachable like a child abide to You, for without You I'm naked like the 1st man in Gen 2.

YLT Luk 18:17: "17 verily I say to you, Whoever may not receive the reign of God as a little child, may not enter into it.`"

I Thank You for the five pointers.  I ask that these five pointers abide in me and be how I live every day of my life in Jesus Name Amen.

It's never Your heart to leave us but our own choice that brought the consequences.  You always look forward to our repentance, our return.  That is why You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus to die for us at the Cross.  Thank You for so love us Amen.

John 3:16: for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during."

It costs the Father, His only Begotten Son, to send you this invitation to be His beloved child, that you be part of His Family, call Him 'Father'.

If you accept this Invitation from God the Father to receive this New Life given by His Son - Jesus, 

Click Here The Invitation

did god say man to leave their parents (gen 2)


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